The Intention

etherel is like a garden. Better yet, it is one. Where flowers can bloom. Those flowers are expressions of art, creativity, and inspiration. A safe space to raise awareness on mental health. Express spirituality. A safe space to bless, heal, and inspire through my artistry. You'll come to notice that I, Zuriel, have many forms of self expression. Many flowers to give so to speak. It is my intention to present these flowers in the garden of etherel, through visual art, creative writing, clothing, photography, and whatever else wishes to sprout out of the soil of my soul. Thank you for being here.

...A poem


Our soil is nourished
We are safe to Bloom
Through density we sprout
Here to experience anew
We rise with the sun
We are here
In all our colors
In all our Bloom
We sat through the rain
We rested in our muddy waters
We said yes
We said no
We said maybe
We said I don't know
We said, but i'm here
And in here, we glow
With the moon,
With the stars
We are Flowers
In our hearts
We are,
Where Flowers Bloom.